Monday, November 17, 2008


"My name is Jesse...and I am looking to get my ass kicked."

To understand what I mean I am going to need to explain:

Currently I am a "svelte" 5'7" & 194 lbs on a steady diet of buffalo wings and energy drinks. I get short of breath when I climb the stairs. My girlfriend challenges me to wrestling matches then lets me gas out before she kicks my ass. Wanna know why I wear slippers? Because I tire out when I bend over to tie my shoes & my burgeoning man-teets somehow somehow fold and pinch themselves in the process.

Like a lot of people I got comfortable- I pulled the woman I had been chasing, got a job where I use brains over brawn and discovered the true beauty of Fatburger @ 2am recommended to me by noted food critic & rapper Ice Cube.

Some may know that my loving mother and personal hero Rosa Manzo died of Pneumonia 5/31/08- at the far too young age of 54. A few weeks before she died we were drinking our usual Friday night Coronas and I asked her what she would do if she could go back and re-live her life. She told me her biggest regret was not playing Basketball when she was able bodied. My mom was 5'4 and could not have weighed more than 130-145 lbs yet she claimed she was a force in the paint. When she died I not only lost a hero but a best friend.

So in her honor, I am going to start chasing down some of the things I always wanted to do but never had the balls to do so. I don't want to look back on my life and think of all the things I could have done. I don't want to remember my 30's as the years I beat "Gears of War 2" on Hardcore difficulty.

First up on the docket: I want to fight one time in a sanctioned MMA Event. What kind of man are you if you have never been in a fight?

Don't get me wrong-I have fought with mixed results. In grade school I got jumped by the Mendoza sisters while getting off the bus on my first day of elementary school( I swear one of those b*tches cracked me in the head with a half drunken bottle of yoo-hoo). My claim to fame in High School was getting jumped by a group of mexican soccer players who hated me for speaking coherent english. So needless to say I know I can take a punch.

Over the next few days I will be updating this with my training regimen & goals. Stay tuned for updates!!

(first post down!!!!)


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