Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday, Monday, Monday...

97 days 'til GQ

Monday is the one day a week where I debate whether this is all worth it.

I don't really mind the squats- While they do suck, I take much pride standing next to a guy that is ripped and watching him struggle with the weight that I warm up with. I don't understand how someone can be 6' 3, 225 lbs and strain to squat 145. I understand that "Teh ladeez luv teh gunz00rz" but isn't balance an important part of the fitness equation?

Back on topic:
I have taken off some of the weight I have been lifting. Not because I am a pansy (well, part of it anyway) but because have began to follow the teachings of Ross Enamait. Ross is seen as a hero in the combat sports world; While the rest of America is trying to sell you a pill, an ab-lounger, or a DVD on losing weight, he preaches one thing: Hard work.

I managed to get ahold of his book "Infinite Intensity" and feel like he is the workout savant I have been looking to emulate for years. His theory is that less weight + more reps + unconventional exercises = stronger warriors.

Anyways, I do my squats, move on to lunges then end my workout with corework. I call it "Core Work" because in the combat sports world if you try and refer to it as "Abs" you may get punched in your baby maker. In this arena, there is no such thing as being "cut" or "having great abs". Biceps size doesn't matter and bodybuilders step on to the mat and get smoked if their ego isn't in check. Also, if you don't feel like throwing up and/or dying after your workout then you obviously haven't worked hard enough.

So, today I am sore. I'm walking like I have been riding a horse for hours but am proud to say that I have lost 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks.

So with 97 days to go:

-8 lbs = 30 more to go.
Squats: 4 sets of 175 lbs.
Lunges: 4 sets of 150 lbs
Front Squats: 4 sets of 75 lbs

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